The Department of History, one of the oldest departments in the college contributes its mite to the upkeep of a vibrant intellectual atmosphere on the college campus. The Department with BA History course was started in the year 1956. MA course in History was introduced in 1960 and it has been the first post-graduate course in our college. The total number of students of three-year (six semester) BA degree programme is 180 and that of two-year MA course is 40. Of the UG students 20% falls under Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe categories. Female students constitute 60% of the total strength. It is worth mentioning that the bulk of the students belong to the socially and economically backward classes. The Department is bent upon boosting their morale and furthering their academic advance. Through an effective tutorial system the Department maintains a strong rapport with the students.. Altogether 54 batches of Graduates and 50 batches of Post-Graduates have passed out from the Department with flying colours. Many of them have attained acclaim as talented teachers, erudite researchers, gifted administrators and meritorious police personnel. Among the current Faculty three teachers have Ph.D and four teachers pursuing part time research. Along with teaching department faculty engage in other works related to college’s all round development. It may be noted with immense pride and gratification that several old students of the Department adorned unique and prestigious positions in the cultural and political realms at home and abroad and brought glory to our institution. Late Sri.E.Ahammed, Ex-Minister of State for Railways, Sri.K.Sudhakaran, the present Kannur MP and former Forest Minister of Kerala are some of them. Dr.RajanGurukkal, the illustrious historian and former Vice-Chancellor of MG University, Dr.K.V.Kunhikrishnan, former Registrar of Cochin University, Sri.K.P.Jayarajan, former Controller of Examinations, Kannur University, and late Sri.P.K.Muhammed Ali, Dr.C.Vasanthakumari ,formerly Deputy Director of Collegiate Education Department are among the celebrated products of History Department. The Department ensures that the learning of History not just confined to classrooms .Department succeeded in conducting many National /International seminars/workshops to enrich the knowledge of students and faculty. Students were also encouraged to attend seminars of other institutions.
![]() Dr Vinodan Navath [email protected] Professor and Head
![]() Dr Gireesh Vishnu Namboodiri MA, PhD, NET 9495347846
Associate Professor
![]() GRACY ANTONY M.A., B. Ed., NET. [email protected] 8078924825( mob.) Associate Professor |
MANIKKUTTAN M P MA , MEd, UGC-NET Associate Professor |
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![]() M.A History, UGC-NET, PhD Associate Professor |
![]() Rajan PP MA NET Assistant Professor |
= Sivadasan Madathil Assistant Professor |