The PTA ensures active involvement of parents and teachers in all matters pertaining to the College, helps the authorities maintain a conducive academic ambience in the campus and strives to realize the sublime goals of the institution by creatively contributing to its management. In addition, it plays a most decisive role in maintaining discipline and in keeping the institutional assets intact. With a view to optimizing teaching-learning process and enhancing overall development of the College, the PTA extends every possible help and support. The PTA awards proficiency prizes for outstanding students of all batches in all departments. Regular meetings of departmental PTAs and the college PTA ensure the co-operation between parents and teachers in fulfilling the goals of the institution.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the PTA are :

  • To foster and promote good relationship among the teaching staff, students and guardians of the students.
  • To create in its members a keen interest in the smooth working and the progress of the College and in maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.
  • To institute scholarships, prizes, medals, etc. to promote proficient and industrious students.
  • To provide and ensure amenities to the students of the college.

Office Bearers:


President Dr.Chandini Sam S P, Principal 0490-2346027
Vice President Lohithakshan K P
Secretary Dr. Pramod C