Manjula K T

Manjula K T Name : Manjula K T
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : ZOOLOGY
Email : [email protected]
Qualification Msc, Mphil, BEd, NET, SET
Present Position Assistant Professor of Zoology
Work Experience 5 years
Total Experience in Current Service
Years (PG)
4 Years
Years (UG) 5 Years
Research/ Projects Projects at PG level: 6 ; Projects at UG level: 4
Books/ Publications 1. Manjula, K.T., Janardanan, K.P. 2006. Chelatrema neilgherriensis n. sp. (Trematoda: Gorgoderidae) infecting the freshwater fishes from Noolpuzha River in Wynad district, Kerala, India. J. Par. Dis. 30(1): 81-84.

2. Sheena, P., Manjula, K. T., Subair, K.T., Janardanan, K. P. 2007. The life cycle of Mesostephanus indicum Mehra, 1947 (Digenea: Cyathocotylidae). Parasitol. Res., 101: 1015-1018.

Papers Presented in Conferences/ Seminars Manjula, K.T., Janardanan, K.P., 2007. Lifecycle of Apharyngostrigea ardeolina (Vidyarthi, 1937). Proc. 19th Nat. Congr. Par. Int. Sym. Par. Dis. Anim and Man.
PhD / M Phil/ Projects Guided
Awards/ Honours
Positions Held Member- examination squad- Kannur University- during 2017-18 and 2018-19.

Member-Board of Studies- Zoology (UG) Kannur University- 2018- 2020.

Seminars/ Conferences Organised Coordinator, National Seminar and Workshop, 2016 at Dept. of Zoology, Govt. Brennen College.

Coordinator, National Seminar, Interdisciplinary Research,  2018-  Govt. Brennen College.

Additional Responsibilities (2019-20) Member- Women’s Cell

Member- Teacher Assessment committee.

Other Information